Observations about...

Monday, July 19, 2010

"The War Has Just Begun" (Blu-Ray VS DVD)

First question, do you own a blu-ray player? Didn't think so. If you do, click here. Sorry, I shouldn't be so one-sided right off the bat. It's just that some of us have barely made the transition from VHS to DVD. And that was a significant change! Now you have to be uprooted again to make the switch to blu-ray. It's like the world is pushing out crap (Slightly improved crap) as fast as possible.  As for quality, I'm sure blu ray is better on most of it's copies. However, it's kinda like you're eating a pie, and it's really okay. But then someone comes along and tells you that there's a better pie that's tastier and in a higher definition. Even if you don't try that new pie, there's always the fear that it was better than yours. Thus, your pie starts to taste worse & worse. (That sounded much better in my head.)

Either way, your life has been ruined. Why do you think blu-ray has that extra buzz behind it? Is it just clever marketing & timing? Using cool words like "HD," and "ray?" Or, is it genuinely just a better quality, and the future of at-home movie watching? Having seen loads of DVDs, but seeing almost no blu-ray, count this as just an observation of DVDs, as opposed to both DVDs and blu-rays. As far as quality goes, I think DVDs are fine in and of themselves. And unless you're blinded by pure nostalgia, they beat Videotape hands down.
 Having special features is awesome! One time, a VHS tape of mine actually had an "interactive" game on it that played after the main movie. It asked a bomb trivia question, stilled for 30 seconds, and then buzzed incorrect. IT'S A FREAKING VIDEOTAPE! WHAT WERE THEY THINKING? But on the other hand, DVD has it's problems too. Like how you can't skip the previews or the FBI warnings sometimes. That's bummer. And I'm sure blu-ray is no different when it comes to that.

But yes, that was only real question I asked. "Do you own a blu-ray player?"

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