Observations about...

Monday, August 30, 2010


A local group in my area thought for some reason that it would be a good idea to expose children to deadbeats & criminals that may have possibly fathered them. To spread the word to single mothers, they advertise it...on a pizza box. I had a good laugh when I saw the final plug for this. It won't strike you instantly, but if you reeeally observe closely, you can pick up something cute. Their eyes have been censored to protect any identity they may have. These children are obviously of different racial backgrounds, but let's pretend for a second that where they're holding their hands on the
globe, is representative of where their race of origin resides. All are kinda correct, except for the girl in the blue shirt. Who apparently is a member of the lost tribes of Atlantis. ( I suppose she just ran out of space or something, or didn't wanna touch some Indian's hand.)

On the cover it's advertised as a fun event, but on the back lies a message telling mothers about the equipment they have there that can do tests. I wonder if they do birthdays?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

"My Arm Hurts" (Children)

Okaaaaay, this one is fairly obvious. The girl's arm has been bent past most bearable torture levels for children, and even though it's out of current jurisdiction, there's some random hand still on the mother. Most likely from the guy they tried to edit out the ad. Although, kinda ironic that it says "Professional quality photos" at the bottom left. See more torture-iffic things like this at photoshop disasters.
 I am however disappointed that we didn't get the iPhone observation out in time. Maybe next month. ;)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

"Sprint...For The Nearest Verizon Wireless Office!" (Cellphones)

"Romeo, where art thou?"
Today we're observing cellphones in general. Not the iPhone, just the plain Jane cellphone for right now. We'll leave the companies alone until another month. But it's no lie that the main purpose for cellphones has been distorted beyond all conceivable recognition. (Again, the iPhone.) In fact, we sometimes forget that cellphones used to look like this. It's funny how time can out-do itself. Ultimately, there is nothing wrong with the cellphone of yesterday. And by yesterday, I mean 2006 or something. It's when everything gets so crazy and overly "modern," that it can't even make phone calls anymore. The makers of the iPhone, (Next post) probably are aware of the lack of need for a call-making service. I'm sure they'll be on it soon enough. Because, today's teen would rather use their phone to play and assort the latest clubz songz, than call their parents to say,
"I'm gonna be 6 hours late coming home from school, don't wait up!" The first and foremost priority of a modern cellphone is apparently to distract and waste the time of anyone who uses it. I totally agree things would suck if we could only make calls on a hooked to the house, wired, and tan colored phone. But we've gone too far, too soon. You agree? ;)

Next and final post for this season of technology will be the iPhone. Stay tuned, and subscribe. ;)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"Weee Would Like To Pee" (Nintendo WII)

I haven't seen this in so long. But the Wii is something that really wows me sometimes. True, every now and again the processing and graphics might pale in comparison to the Gamecube, and the internet channel might be the single saddest thing you've ever witnessed. And the Wii can come in multiple colors and yet the home page is always white. And don't even get me started on the news channel, which always displays the most recent news. However, that news is always how many terrorists bombed our troops today, or how much money the economy is blah blah bailing. NOT a family friendly channel. But on to the good traits. (Below video)

What I like most about the Wii, is of course, it's games. My favorites are currently Super Mario Galaxy, Wii Sports, Wii sports resort, Wii play, and Mario Party 8. MP8 had it's ups and downs, but I'll probably cover it in the Gaming month. I love that it can play Gamecube games as well. That way, the games never die. I could go on and on, but I'll leave this one under TBC for now.